Booth No.2D-24
PavilionJapan Pavilion (Theme Zone)


Booth No.:2D-24
Pavilion:Japan Pavilion (Theme Zone)
Corporate information Website: Email: TEL: +81-3-5226-2047 Address: 1028567
4-7, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan JAPAN
ClassNK is a ship classification society dedicated to safer and cleaner seas. With roughly 270 million gross tons or some 20% of the world’s merchant fleet on the register, ClassNK is one of the world’s largest classification societies.
Based in Japan, ClassNK is a global organization committed to providing the highest quality services, supporting clients 24/7 through a service network of around 130 survey offices worldwide.

Corporate information

Address 1028567
4-7, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan JAPAN
TEL +81-3-5226-2047

Product introduction


ClassNK ZETA (Zero Emission Transition Accelerator) is a tool to enable various customers, including shipowners, operators, financial institutions, and cargo owners to manage GHG emissions from their individual ships and entire fleets efficiently.

Innovation Endorsement

Innovation Endorsement is a certification framework devised to help solutions overcome the challenges that often face pioneers. For encouraging innovative technologies and initiatives aiming beyond the minimum requirements, ClassNK certifies them under the policy of ‘speed-focused’ and ‘cooperation with front runners’, which demonstrates their feasibility and value to stakeholders.

Product introduction


ClassNK ZETA (Zero Emission Transition Accelerator) is a tool to enable various customers, including shipowners, operators, financial institutions, and cargo owners to manage GHG emissions from their individual ships and entire fleets efficiently.

Innovation Endorsement

Innovation Endorsement is a certification framework devised to help solutions overcome the challenges that often face pioneers. For encouraging innovative technologies and initiatives aiming beyond the minimum requirements, ClassNK certifies them under the policy of ‘speed-focused’ and ‘cooperation with front runners’, which demonstrates their feasibility and value to stakeholders.

Exhibitor's Presentation

〈Free of charge〉 Same day registration
If you would like to attend, please come directly to the seminar venue.

▶April 11(Thu.)14:40 ~ 15:10 【Seminar Room B】

Seamless services for every single customer - ClassNK Customer Hub

▶April 11(Thu.)15:00 ~ 15:20 【Seminar Room D】

Outlook of Government Ship sector and ClassNK's initiatives

▶April 12(Fri.)10:30 ~ 11:00 【Seminar Room B】

Latest trends in the development of rules and safety evaluations for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

▶April 12(Fri.)13:50 ~ 14:20 【Seminar Room B】

NK's approach to 3D model-based approval