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Interscience Japan
Booth No. 2-412
Products / Services
ScanStation : NEW colony counterNew Products
DiluFlow : gravimetric dilutor
BagMixer : lab blender
easySpiral Dilute : automatic dilutor + plater
Scan 4000 : automatic colony counter + inhibition zone reader
Company activities INTERSCIENCE, well known for colony counters, exhibits ScanStation, a NEW real-time incubator and colony counting station, DiluFlow-gravimetric diluter, BagMixer-lab blender, easySpiral Dilute and Scan 4000 colony counter.
Date October 2(Wed.) 12:30-12:50 Location Seminar Room F
Title a NEW real-time incubator and colony counting station
Detail INTERSCIENCE presents ScanStation, a NEW real-time incubator and colony counting station centralizing incubation, detection and colony counting of 100 - 300 Petri dishes simultaneously.
Date October 3(Thu.) 13:00-13:20 Location Seminar Room F
Title a NEW real-time incubator and colony counting station
Detail INTERSCIENCE presents ScanStation, a NEW real-time incubator and colony counting station centralizing incubation, detection and colony counting of 100 - 300 Petri dishes simultaneously.