BC-19 |

Maritime Accounting 「TRANS-Account」

TRANS-Account is designed to suit the accounting requirements of global shipping companies. Equipped with plenty of functions and multi-lingual functions, this tool sets it apart from any other accounting system for the global clientele.

Exhibitor Presentation

Date May 26(Fri.) 13:00-13:30
Location C Room
Title TRANS-Crew: Practical Demonstration of DX for Crew Working Time Tracking

Corporate information

Address 101-0041
PMO Kanda Manseibashi 9F, 1-3-9 Kandasudacho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo JAPAN
TEL +81-3-6260-8858
URL https://aismaritime.com/

Contact in Japan

Japan Agent 株式会社エイ・アイ・エス
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